New Fire Truck Arrives

For those of you who couldn’t make it out this morning (June 14, 2021), the new truck has arrived.

It was really great to have Joe Schwarz from Hub Fire Engines deliver the truck and do a thorough familiarization for the firefighters. We were also able to personally thank Joe and his company for working with our people to assemble this vehicle to suit our specific needs.

Over the past fifty years through the hard work and dedication of several generations of firefighters, auxiliary members and boards of directors, not to forget the support of the dues paying property owners, we have built a high-quality, independent fire department of which this community can be very proud.

 The acquisition of this vehicle is the pinnacle of our development.

Primarily, It means we will no longer have to spend a lot of the fire dues budget on expensive vehicles that have already “aged-out” for other departments, and require constant repair.  When we are through with them, we usually can’t even sell them.

We were able to purchase this vehicle without spending  any money from the operating budget, and several aspects of the financing that may never happen again came together at the right time.

We were the recipients of a fifty percent Gaming Capital Grant, that matched the funds we had saved from the remuneration received through the hard work put in by the firefighters during the 2017 Elephant Hill Wildfire and a very generous donation from the estate of Barb Thurston (nee McTavish).  

To everyone involved, thank you for your continued support.

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