More Christmas Tree Fire Safety Ideas

If you have a real tree, be sure to water it frequently.  The National Fire Protection Association estimates that 240 wintertime fires in the U.S. and Canada start with dry Christmas trees each year.

Check light strands to be sure that they are not frayed.  Discard lights that have exposed wires or show signs of wear.  And reduce the chance for current overload by connecting no more than three strands of lights together.

Never leave lit candles unattended, especially near children or pets.  Extinguish flames before you leave home or go to bed.  Better still, consider using battery powered candles.

Place your tree as far from the fireplace or woodstove as possible, and keep other combustible materials away from the flames.  Don’t let garlands or greens hang over the mantel where they might ignite.

Have a happy and safe holiday!christmas tree fire

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